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Ford Swift
Certified Structured Settlement Consultant
Certified Medicare Secondary Payer Professional
Ringler Associates - Austin
12709 Cricoli DR
Austin, TX 78739
O - 512-522-2109
C - 512-299-7501

mother and daughter

Structure Strategies

Struggle Continues, but Without Financial Concerns

The accident that killed Riya’s husband, Raj, was initially ruled a suicide. Raj was leaving a car wash when his car suddenly accelerated across a parking lot and several medians before crashing into another building. Raj was killed instantly. The police report said Raj’s injuries were self-inflicted, which meant Riya could not collect benefits from their auto insurance company. But Riya and Raj were a happy couple anticipating a joyous Christmas with their three children, ages 7, 11 and 14. Riya just couldn’t accept the results of the police investigation and was eventually able to prove that mechanical failure caused Raj’s car to accelerate out of control.
Several years later, Riya and her children still struggle with their loss and find the holidays a particularly difficult time. But thanks to a structured settlement, Riya doesn’t need to worry about family finances. She’ll receive a stream of tax-free income every month for many years to come, in addition to planned payouts for each of the children when they become adults.
“We're very sad missing Raj,” Riya said. “But he would be happy knowing we didn't have to worry so much about money. That was always very important to him.”


(Note: While Structure Strategies is based on actual Ringler case histories, the names and images of the people involved have been changed to protect their privacy.)

holidays ahead The holidays can be a difficult time for families after a life-changing injury.

Structured Settlements Combat Changes that Create Stress

To better understand the stress an accident causes in a person’s life, begin by looking at the Life Events Scale. The death of a spouse tops the list with 100 stress points, but note the cumulative effect when you add in the following items:

  • Change in financial status — 38 points
  • Change in work responsibilities — 28 points
  • Change in living conditions — 25 points
  • Change in work hours/conditions — 20 points
  • Change in sleeping habits — 15 points

That’s an additional 127 stress points that take an individual well over the 150-point threshold where stress can cause physical illness (worth another 53 points on the list, by the way). Notice how all items on the list begin with the word “change.” These changes often stem from financial challenges. Here, a structured settlement can provide a unique solution to combatting the changes that create stressors.

A structured settlement provides GUARANTEED future payments that can be planned around KEEPING THINGS THE SAME. A well-managed and cost-effective investment portfolio MAY accomplish the same goal. However, it is not guaranteed and is still a VARIABLE solution that does not eradicate stress by its very nature.
A structured settlement can form the BEDROCK for a meaningful settlement plan — guaranteeing the necessary income and resources to keep things moving along AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to how things were before the accident. Other retail investments can then complement the structured settlement and allow for more growth-oriented investment strategies, given the inherent guarantees afforded by a structured settlement.

The Search for Life as Usual

As George Bailey, Jimmy Stewart nearly jumped off a bridge when he first faced his stressors in the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. With the support and guidance of those around him, he made it all the way to a happy ending. He still had some significant issues to deal with, but he was able to enjoy the holidays with his loved ones in much the same way as he had in the past.
That’s what a structured settlement provides …  LIFE and all those precious moments AS USUAL. It’s not just about interest rates and tax-equivalent yields; it’s about QUALITY OF LIFE and ensuring the PEACE we strive for around the holidays is preserved year-round for those facing difficult times.
Contact your Ringler Associates representative to see how a structured settlement may bring some CHEER and GOODWILL into your next settlement plan.