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Ford Swift
Certified Structured Settlement Consultant
Certified Medicare Secondary Payer Professional
Ringler Associates - Austin
12709 Cricoli DR
Austin, TX 78739
O - 512-522-2109
C - 512-299-7501

Stressors Add Up During Holidays

Dear Colleague,

The holiday season is now in full swing, along with the added stress we all experience. But for the people we work with who have lost someone close to them or experienced a serious injury themselves, the added strain of the holidays can be exponentially difficult.

As we discuss in this month's IN YOUR INTEREST, it's the sum of various stressors that really make it hard for people to move on after severe trauma. And a sudden change in finances adds significantly to this anxiety and uncertainty. Read about the "Life Events Scale" and how a structured settlement can help relieve that stress.

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Searching for “Life as Usual”

Structured settlements are not just about tax-free future payments. They’re really about helping put lives back together and achieving the “new” normal in more ways than just financially. When a family loses a loved one or a person is catastrophically injured, the familiar changes quickly and dramatically. These changes often become stressors that, when added together, can overwhelm even the strongest individuals. Grief normally abates over time, but in some cases, it can develop into a disabling syndrome called Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD).
Avoiding or mitigating stressors may be the key to recovery, but recognizing them is not as easy as you think. To better understand the lives of accident victims or their survivors and to see how a structured settlement can reduce change-related stress in their lives, READ ON.

Settlement Strategies

Struggle Continues But Without Financial Concerns


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2023 in the Structured Settlement Industry


Settlements & Solutions Blog

Prevent Treatment Denials with Medicare Set-Asides