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Leadership Transition Comes to Ringler

Dear Colleague,

Geoffrey E. Hunt was recently named president of Ringler Associates as part of a leadership transition plan. Mr. Hunt started his career at accounting firms PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte & Touche, and then went on to hold several prominent positions at Liberty Mutual. He also co-founded Narragansett Bay Insurance Company in Pawtucket, R.I. He most recently served as vice president of mergers, acquisitions and business development at Risk Placement Services in Boston before joining Ringler Associates.

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Emerging Millennials Impact Jury Decisions, Damage Awards


The saying “Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well” could have been written about juries. You just never know who will show up in the jury box. And while attorneys have always considered basic demographic traits when trying to anticipate jury behavior, a recent cover story in Litigation Management explores the growing influence of GENERATIONAL DIFFERENCES and the millennial juror.

This discussion is particularly apt now, as the U.S. Census Bureau just announced that millennials will surpass the baby boom generation as the nation’s largest living generation in 2015. Researchers have found that generational differences can dramatically shape jury dynamics because each group views the world through a powerful lens of shared values and experiences. Want a leg up on what your next jury might be thinking?

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Structure Strategies

Son Says “Thank You” 25 Years Later

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Structured Settlement Questions and Answers

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