Pricing & Billing

Participation-Based Pricing

Ongoing pricing of IN YOUR INTEREST is based on participation. The idea behind this approach is to encourage as many consultants as possible to participate for both their benefit as well as that of Ringler Associates.

Currently the rate is $120 per month. If the membership reaches 60 or more Ringler subscriber accounts, the rate will drop to $100 per month. There are no contracts or any other hidden charges. All participating members will receive regular updates on membership and be alerted well in advance if there will be any changes to the subscription rate. In the meantime, tell you colleagues who are not signed up to seriously consider this marketing opportunity!

Credit Card Billing

When you register, your account will be billed $120 for your first newsletter. Your account will then be re-billed $120 on the 10th of each month for the following month’s newsletter. A receipt from Voice2News will automatically be e-mailed to you each month after you are billed. You can cancel at any time by simply e-mailing a cancellation request.

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